novantatré (ninety—three) original ideas for enjoying coffeeA collection of new creations, both salty and sweet, born from the fruitful collaboration between Lavazza and IFSE and driven by the same ambition: to use coffee as a characterizing element of an amazing and pioneering cuisine. 93 students of the IFSE haute cuisine and pastry course interpret coffee, building a new grammar of taste.

Editorial project by I.F.S.E. Italian Food Style Education and Lavazza
In collaboration with the Design and Visual Communication Course of Politecnico di Torino
Project ideation Raffaele Trovato
Editorial coordination Marcello Arcangeli, Saverio Pisano and Eleonora Coffaro
Text translation Giulio Carello Supervision by Margaret Kenneally
Graphic project Dario Argentieri, Erik Bovio, Mauro Murano, Lorenzo Ritorto and Francesco Zivoli
Supervision by Paolo Tamborrini and Chiara Remondino
Recipe photos Saverio Pisano
© 2018